The FTC Begin Investigating The Video Game Industries LOOT BOXES !!

The FTC Begin Investigating The Video Game Industries LOOT BOXES !!

Things are starting to get very awkward for the Gaming Industry right now. Gamers are getting sick and tired of their behaviour and voting with their wallets and NOW the FTC are investigating LOOT BOXES!! Things could get very interesting indeed !!
(Live Streaming)
(mid life-bar crisis)
(Title Sequence and Branding)

WoW,World of Warcraft,Mists of Pandaria,MoP,Mage,Rogue,Hunter,Death Knight,Druid,Shaman,Priest,HeelvsBabyface,Heel vs Babyface,Blizzard,Guide,Secret,variety,loot boxes,ftc,investigation,video games,be
