HHO gas is NOT free over unity energy like the 'Red Pill Truth' pumpers say

HHO gas is NOT free over unity energy like the 'Red Pill Truth' pumpers say

Check out the HHO dry cell kit fitted to my Land Rover Defender. After months of testing with different Potassium Hydroxide electrolyte concentration and also different current levels from the PWM to the dry cell I concluded that when the dry cell was active the car used more diesel due to the electrical energy drain on the alternator to run the electrolysis process of the cell, unfortunately you can't make something from nothing for free. But the 'Red Pill Truther' pumpers selling these kits will tell you different like 20%/30%/50% better fuel economy but this is BULLSHIT !
I haven't turned the cell on for about 2 years (because it's pointless and costs me money instead of saving me money) and I will be doing some experiments showing everyone how HHO explodes, it does not implode like some of the 'Red Pill Truther' liars are claiming.

Enslaved By No Media,HHO,Enslaved By Bullshit,Truth,Lies,Science,Hydrogen,Dry Cell,HHO Dry Cell,
