Don't visit any of the toilets coming up to do your business Here are 20 of the most terrifying and unsettling toilets on the planet that are terrifying.
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Be Amazed at these 20 Terrifying Toilets You'd Never Risk Going To! Monkey Bar Toilets - Perfect for people with both anxiety and vertigo, the so-called ‘Monkey Bar’ restrooms can be found at the 25Hours Hotel Bikini in Berlin . The See-Through Toilet - This mind-bending toilet was for a period of time, installed outside the Tate in London . From the outside, it looks like a mirrored cube that fits in well with the rest of the contemporary art in and around the gallery, but the inside is a different story. Forest View Toilets - This bathroom is for those who want to relieve themselves with a view - as long as they don’t mind that view being turned against them . Virgin Mary Urinals - Back in China again now, and this time we’re getting sacrilegious with our toilets. Ice Toilet - Here is an artist’s rendering of my bathroom in the morning . Just kidding, this is an ice toilet that you wouldn’t make your worst enemy sit down on. Graffiti Urinals - Oh hello, it’s a cursed toilet from a Silent Hill game .
Toilet visitor - Angela Campbell, a woman from winnipeg, found this home invader taking a bath in her toilet on day. Realistic Face Toilet Cover - On a very similar, and equally awful note, this toilet looks like its screaming in pain . The Elevator Shaft Toilet - Don’t look down . This bathroom comes with a guarantee to fix your constipation problems forever. Ski Jump Toilet - Speaking of great heights, this next toilet is one for the thrill-seekers among you. Cliff-edge Toilet - Optical Illusion toilet - Why not have your own Alice In Wonderland Adventure as your stare into this entry. The Peeping Tom Toilet - Here we learn that one man’s terror is another one’s idea of a joke. The Outhouse - Is there anything scarier than an outhouse? How about an outhouse in the middle of the night? The Worst Festival Toilet In The World - Some toilets don’t start out terrifying, but they end up that way thanks to our inhumanity. The Badly Constructed Toilet - The Automatic Public Toilet - The Clown Museum Toilet - This is not a child’s bedroom but rather an actual honest-to-God public bathroom. “The Worst Toilet In Scotland” - And at number one : much like the sun, you shouldn’t look for too long at this image or your eyes might suffer from irreparable damage.
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Be Amazed at these 20 Terrifying Toilets You'd Never Risk Going To! Monkey Bar Toilets - Perfect for people with both anxiety and vertigo, the so-called ‘Monkey Bar’ restrooms can be found at the 25Hours Hotel Bikini in Berlin . The See-Through Toilet - This mind-bending toilet was for a period of time, installed outside the Tate in London . From the outside, it looks like a mirrored cube that fits in well with the rest of the contemporary art in and around the gallery, but the inside is a different story. Forest View Toilets - This bathroom is for those who want to relieve themselves with a view - as long as they don’t mind that view being turned against them . Virgin Mary Urinals - Back in China again now, and this time we’re getting sacrilegious with our toilets. Ice Toilet - Here is an artist’s rendering of my bathroom in the morning . Just kidding, this is an ice toilet that you wouldn’t make your worst enemy sit down on. Graffiti Urinals - Oh hello, it’s a cursed toilet from a Silent Hill game .
Toilet visitor - Angela Campbell, a woman from winnipeg, found this home invader taking a bath in her toilet on day. Realistic Face Toilet Cover - On a very similar, and equally awful note, this toilet looks like its screaming in pain . The Elevator Shaft Toilet - Don’t look down . This bathroom comes with a guarantee to fix your constipation problems forever. Ski Jump Toilet - Speaking of great heights, this next toilet is one for the thrill-seekers among you. Cliff-edge Toilet - Optical Illusion toilet - Why not have your own Alice In Wonderland Adventure as your stare into this entry. The Peeping Tom Toilet - Here we learn that one man’s terror is another one’s idea of a joke. The Outhouse - Is there anything scarier than an outhouse? How about an outhouse in the middle of the night? The Worst Festival Toilet In The World - Some toilets don’t start out terrifying, but they end up that way thanks to our inhumanity. The Badly Constructed Toilet - The Automatic Public Toilet - The Clown Museum Toilet - This is not a child’s bedroom but rather an actual honest-to-God public bathroom. “The Worst Toilet In Scotland” - And at number one : much like the sun, you shouldn’t look for too long at this image or your eyes might suffer from irreparable damage.
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