Top 20 Terrifying Toilets You'd Never Risk Going To

Top 20 Terrifying Toilets You'd Never Risk Going To

Don't visit any of the toilets coming up to do your business Here are 20 of the most terrifying and unsettling toilets on the planet that are terrifying.
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Be Amazed at these 20 Terrifying Toilets You'd Never Risk Going To! Monkey Bar Toilets - Perfect for people with both anxiety and vertigo, the so-called ‘Monkey Bar’ restrooms can be found at the 25Hours Hotel Bikini in Berlin . The See-Through Toilet - This mind-bending toilet was for a period of time, installed outside the Tate in London . From the outside, it looks like a mirrored cube that fits in well with the rest of the contemporary art in and around the gallery, but the inside is a different story. Forest View Toilets - This bathroom is for those who want to relieve themselves with a view - as long as they don’t mind that view being turned against them . Virgin Mary Urinals - Back in China again now, and this time we’re getting sacrilegious with our toilets. Ice Toilet - Here is an artist’s rendering of my bathroom in the morning . Just kidding, this is an ice toilet that you wouldn’t make your worst enemy sit down on. Graffiti Urinals - Oh hello, it’s a cursed toilet from a Silent Hill game .
Toilet visitor - Angela Campbell, a woman from winnipeg, found this home invader taking a bath in her toilet on day. Realistic Face Toilet Cover - On a very similar, and equally awful note, this toilet looks like its screaming in pain . The Elevator Shaft Toilet - Don’t look down . This bathroom comes with a guarantee to fix your constipation problems forever. Ski Jump Toilet - Speaking of great heights, this next toilet is one for the thrill-seekers among you. Cliff-edge Toilet - Optical Illusion toilet - Why not have your own Alice In Wonderland Adventure as your stare into this entry. The Peeping Tom Toilet - Here we learn that one man’s terror is another one’s idea of a joke. The Outhouse - Is there anything scarier than an outhouse? How about an outhouse in the middle of the night? The Worst Festival Toilet In The World - Some toilets don’t start out terrifying, but they end up that way thanks to our inhumanity. The Badly Constructed Toilet - The Automatic Public Toilet - The Clown Museum Toilet - This is not a child’s bedroom but rather an actual honest-to-God public bathroom. “The Worst Toilet In Scotland” - And at number one : much like the sun, you shouldn’t look for too long at this image or your eyes might suffer from irreparable damage.

beamazed,be amazed,top 10,toilet,ice toilet,Worst Festival Toilet,Ski Jump Toilet,Peeping Tom Toilet,mind-bending toilet,See-Through Toilet,Optical Illusion toilet,Clown Museum Toilet,Automatic Public
